
Ep. 3 Navigating a Mold-Infested New Construction Home

Welcome to this riveting episode of The Rabbit Whole Podcast. Join our hosts Marty and Andy as they unravel their traumatic story of a new home build gone horribly wrong. Experience a deep dive into the twists and turns of a civil case, the significance of understanding the system and the principle of operating with zero trust.

In this exposé of the perilous world of home building, our courageous hosts detail the deleterious effects of their molding home on their overall health. They recount bouts of mysterious fatigue, skin reactions, and emotional instability, presenting a stark and perhaps shocking depiction of the dangers lurking within unhealthy living environments.

Marty and Andy share their strategic use of the Freedom of Information Request to acquire essential information about their case. Listen in on their battles with bureaucratic roadblocks, manipulation of electronic evidence, and their unyielding pursuit of justice in an environment that seems indifferent to their plight.

As the episode concludes, the hosts delve into possible future topics and potential opportunities for budding investigative journalists or students. This episode is not only a dissection of their ordeal, but also offers an enlightening discourse on navigating the challenges of system inefficiencies. Tune in for an insightful and gripping conversation on wrangling an imperfect system, understanding your battles, and making sense of the chaos.

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Ep. 4 Regulating the Regulators