Governor Youngkin's Vetoes and Legislative Compromises: Another Look at Gubernatorial Leadership and Purple State Outcomes
Governor Glenn Youngkin has recently made significant moves in Virginia's legislative landscape by vetoing 20 bills and signing 30 others. These actions have sparked considerable debate and reactions from both sides of the political aisle. The vetoes include some of the most far-reaching changes proposed by the 2024 General Assembly, particularly those aimed at altering Virginia's court proceedings and reducing the governor's oversight of state agencies. Youngkin's swift actions, taken just five days after the legislature adjourned, have set the stage for a contentious political environment and limited new legislative proposals.

Corporatocracy by Veto
An examination of the loss of consumer protections in Virginia as Governor Youngkin - by veto - holds Virginia in lockstep with Mississippi as one of only two states in the country that do not allow class action lawsuits. Examine the cost of corporate protection and the new status quo for consumers as the state forges ahead in favor of Corporatocracy.