Thanks for joining us here at the Looking Glass, where we take a deeper look at topics covered on the Rabbit Whole Podcast and offer a little something extra to ponder. In our first episode, we got to chat a bit about the reality of living in our new construction home that began with a simple dream – building a new home – and took an unexpected turn when the ceiling caved in. What ensued was a frustrating battle with the builder, warranty company, and a legal battle that rages on even now. It’s left our family exposed medically and financially. But we aren’t doing this to tell a story of despair; it's a rallying call for change, a reminder that together, we can challenge faulty laws and seek justice.

We spent years visiting new build communities and exploring existing homes, we thought the best way to avoid issues and have a home that worked for our family was to build new. That turned out to be a complete fallacy as we’ve spent the last three years fixing what was not built correctly in the first place. We were not naive in our purchase. We did all the things like having a realtor represent us, having a lawyer review the contract, inspections, questions, everything in writing, and we still may not be protected in the current legal climate of our state.

Example of Mistakes During Our Custom Home Build by Covenant Building and Design

After over a year of notifying the builder about issues within the home, the ceiling unexpectedly collapsed propelling us into a nightmare of repairs and legal costs that have devastated us through no fault of our own.  What should have been a minor hiccup turned into a new way of life for our family. We’ve endured nonstop repairs and toxic mold. Because the builder had chosen to ignore us, the warranty company did much the same. Warranties also don’t apply when there are workmanship issues. We filed suit and as a result, the builder is able to file motions to enter our home at will. We then have to accommodate and remove our kids and our pets leaving us without privacy or peace. Just this past week the builder filed a motion to enter, we took off of work so that we could manage the pets and left the home only to have the builder “no show”. We incur the cost of paying legal fees to have our attorney present and monitoring our home while strangers enter and not only does he not show, he didn’t even bother to call to cancel.

Thousand Dollar Losses

The added burden of unnecessary legal costs in a system that allows the builder to “no show” at a date planned weeks in advance is unsustainable. That one no call no show alone probably cost us upwards of a thousand dollars and a day of work. Add the emotional toll and it hardly seems worth the fight as we will never really be made whole again. We will carry this trauma of legal abuse throughout our lives.

Crowdsourcing the truth has become the beacon of hope, a chance to shed light on the hidden corners of negligence and injustice. By sharing our story, we aim to build a community that stands together against faulty laws and protects the rights of homeowners everywhere. We also believe that transparency and an open, public discussion will protect us as whistleblowers and independent journalists.

Shining a Light on Faulty Laws:

The Rabbit Whole Podcast doesn't just narrate a personal tragedy; it highlights a systemic issue that affects countless homeowners facing similar battles. Outdated laws and inadequate regulations often leave homeowners at the mercy of unscrupulous builders and subcontractors. The time for change is now, and we believe that collective action is the key to ushering in reforms.

Why Your Support Matters:

As you read this blog, we invite you to consider the broader implications of this story. What happened to our family could happen to anyone, and the lack of accountability in the construction industry affects us all. By supporting our legal costs, you're not just helping one family; you're standing up for justice, demanding accountability, and pushing for legislative change that safeguards homeowners in the future.

In the coming episodes, the Rabbit Whole Podcast will continue to unravel this story, uncovering the truths hidden beneath the surface. Through interviews with experts, discussions on legal reform, and conversations with others who have faced similar challenges, we will pave the way for a brighter, more just future where kids can grow up in healthy environments.

As we navigate the twists and turns of this Rabbit Whole journey, let us remember that change begins with awareness, and unity is the catalyst for transformation. By helping us get the word out and listening and interacting with us here to build a community, you become a part of a movement seeking justice and pushing for legislative changes that protect homeowners. Together, we can turn the tide and ensure that dreams of a safe and secure home become a reality for us all. Stay tuned for more episodes, more stories, and more hope as we embark on this journey together.


4 Things to Consider If You Build a New Construction Home